Monday, October 8, 2012

Trail-er Breaker: The Lone Ranger 2013

Alright, so I finally got to see the first official trailer for Disney’s new film, The Lone Ranger, set to come out…in 2013.  Where to start?  The obvious place to start would be Johnny Depp as Tonto.

So let’s talk about the Lone Ranger.  This is a character that has been interpreted in films repeatedly, starring in his own comic book series and television show, and…he has suffered greatly.  The major problem with the character is that outside of being the stalwart cowboy action hero, riding a white horse, wearing a white hat, no one really knows how to portray him.  I remember some time ago they tried doing a “reinvention of the character” and make him kind of a womanizing jerk, which failed horribly.  The problem is, he’s kind of “too good for his own good”.  They thought back then by giving him character flaws they could humanize him.  But there is a way to portray that kind of character while still making them compelling.  I look to Captain America: The First Avenger, with hope that Disney and Jerry Brukheimer can somehow instill that sense of “right man for the right job” into the Lone Ranger without stooping to old tricks of “but he’s really a tortured soul.”  What makes characters like Captain America, and by extension Batman and the Lone Ranger isn’t their pain, it’s their unwillingness to compromise in the face of overwhelming odds.  It’s that “not one step back” mentality because they know they are right and they will fight anyone who challenges their ideals of freedom that makes them compelling.  But…we don’t get a sense of that from the Lone Ranger in this trailer.  There is nothing about this character that makes us believe this movie is going to be about him.  I fear, just from an initial viewing, that the Lone Ranger will be a sidekick character in his own movie, relegated to being Johnny Depp’s straight man.

Why do I fear that?  Because we see Depp’s Tonto on horseback, in prison, and riding underneath a train, wearing some very off putting face make up, a bird headdress, and speaking in the classic stunted speech pattern of Tonto.  Lone Ranger doesn’t even get to talk in his own movie trailer.  It is very clear that they were trying to build this advertising for this film around Johnny Depp being weird.  Which, Depp is very good.  Like a pirate, he stole one franchise away from Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightly.  He reinvented classic characters, and managed to get us to feel compassion for a cold blooded psychopathic barber.  Johnny Depp has an ability to create compelling, if visually off putting characters and becoming the focus of any given scene he’s in.  Which is what made me incredibly nervous when I read he was going to play the Lone Ranger’s sidekick.  Johnny Depp is a lot of things, but he is no man’s sidekick.  That told me immediately that the Lone Ranger movie was not going to be about the Lone Ranger, and sure enough this trailer made that abundantly clear.

Beyond seeing Johnny Depp being, Johnny Depp, there is nothing compelling about the trailer itself.  Its voice over, trains, weird visuals of what I think was supposed to be a rolling brothel, and gun fire, but nothing in this trailer made me want to see this movie, nothing sold me on the idea of this film.

Maybe in subsequent trailers something will pop out and make me want to see it, but thus far, I can wait for it on Red Box.

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